Sunday, February 12, 2012

"This Makes Me Sick"

"THIS MAKES ME SICK!!"  How many times have I uttered those words lately? So many things make me sick, including but not limited to Elise's medical issues, fear of the unknown, troubles of others in "Liverland," the tragic loss of a fellow liver mom this week, financial stressors.. and the list goes on.  

It's true though. I have been physically ill now for the past three days...and today, I woke up with no voice. I have a constant headache, fleeting nausea, sore throat, body aches, and congestion.  This is the second time I've been sick in the past month!  I don't even really have a primary care physician yet, because I've not needed one since we moved here to Houston in 2010.  It seems that my super immune system is currently taking a hit with this new all-time high level of stress, however, so I need to establish myself with a family doctor.  I'll put that on my "to-do list." 

I am scheduled to bring Ethan and Elise both to the pediatrician on Tuesday for vaccinations. Ethan is getting his 15-month shots, and Elise needs her 4-month shots.  I scheduled them both at the same time, on the recommendation of the nurse. As I think more about it though, I must be crazy to be getting their shots done at the same time...especially on a day when I have no help!  Oh well...I just as well get it done sooner rather than later.  It's just....the thought of trying to manage two screaming babies getting shots at the same time....THIS MAKES ME SICK!! 


  1. Hang in there, Erin! These are the times I wish you all lived closer, but I think Dad and I are due for another visit soon♥

  2. Hi Erin...I'm new to your blog but a fellow Ba liver mom (my daughter, Kendra, was transplanted 2 yrs ago ) Unfortunately I know exactly how you feel those words could have easily been udered from me just a few yrs ago. It is amazing the affects stresss has on your body...I know it is easier said than done and I have not always followed this advice but make sure to get yourself checked out also...if if just for the "knowing" what is causing your symptoms. Hang in there is a tought road it does get better but it is always a rollercoaster! You learn to appreciate the smallest things which I am sure you are fully aware of! Good luck and if you ever need someone to chat Im here.
