Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Happy V Day!

HAPPY VALENTINES DAY!!  I must say, however, that Ethan and Elise are not having such a happy V Day....because to them, "V Day" means "vaccinations day." Ethan got his 15 month shots today, and Elise got her 4 month shots. Ethan started sobbing from the moment we walked into the clinic lobby....poor baby. At least Elise didn't know what was coming until it was too late. She was a trooper though....she only cried for a minute or so.  Ethan, on the other hand, cried the whole way home.  And as for me...my skin has become a lot tougher after everything I've seen little Elise go through.  Shots are the least of my worries....unless of course she develops a fever tonight...in which case I'll be up a creek without a paddle, because Elise can not take Tylenol due to her liver damage.

So while we were at the doctor's office today, Elise's pediatrician discovered that Elise has not had a VCUG test done yet-- a urinary reflux test- which is one of the diagnostic imaging studies that she apparently feels is indicated.  So, she grabbed the phone and of course called the on-call GI doc at Texas Children's Hospital, and they put her on the schedule for next week. Lovely. Now I get to spend the next week worrying that Elise might have kidney damage. She has already had two negative renal ultrasounds though, so odds are that her kidneys are fine. Right?   RIGHT???  Wow...these people sure know how to work me up!

Anyway....Happy Valentines Day to everyone. Hope everyone is enjoying their valentines as much as I am enjoying mine!!

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