Saturday, April 28, 2012

A Great Week...

Well, this week started out really great and kept getting better!  Elise has been on a roll all week long...gaining several ounces each day!!  She is now over 13 lb and about 25" long! I'm so happy, I can't stand it.  I look forward to weighing her, but I'm trying my best not to do it every single day.  I really wish we could lose the tube this week when we go to "liver clinic," but I have a stinky feeling that the doctor is going to want to keep it in to get a little more of a cushion.  We're just really not a fan of the's such a pain...and Elise pulls it out, on average, at least once every other day.  Each time she pulls it out, David has to put it back in...and it's seems like it's so hard on her.  And hard on me!  

Getting' my chunk on!!  LOL!!  Check out my thighs!!

And we need to say "thank you" to one of my "liver mom" friends who made a sweet BA/ transplant awareness bow for Elise!!  It's really cute and very special to us!!  We LOVE it!!  She also made a wreath for me, which I will be bringing to work to hang in my cubicle!!!  Here's a pic of Elise wearing her bow....I'll post a pic of the wreath too when I get to work on Monday.

Elise wearing her BA/transplant awareness baby bow, made especially for her by our friend, Danielle!!  Thank you Danielle!! :-)

Anyway, Elise is doing really great at daycare!  Ethan too of course, but Ethan has always done great there!  Elise has become so much more active since she's been gaining weight.  She started enjoying tummy time, and she also spends lots of time in her jumper/ exerciser!  Her teacher was thoughtful enough to send me another picture while I was at work....this kind of thing just makes my day!!

Around the middle of this week, all my work with the insurance company (and I don't mean my 8-5 job) finally paid off!  Our insurance company delivered 36 cans of Pregestimil to our door!  What a lovely sight!!

Today, we started off the weekend with a little family trip to the Children's Museum in Houston!  It was fantastic, and Ethan had a blast!!  It brought back lots of memories from when I was little and visiting the Children's Museum in New Orleans.  I remember the little "supermarket" exhibit was my favorite!  Ethan's favorite was the "Tot Spot!!"  We spent a couple hours there in the "Tot Spot," and let me tell wore him out!!  Anyway, this is going to be one of our new favorite places to visit on the weekend for the next few years!!

"Beep Beep!!  Move out the way....I'm coming through!!"  

And that's all I have for now....thanks so much for checking on us!!  We love you all and appreciate all the prayers and support!!!  

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