Friday, January 20, 2012

The door bell just rang...

Of course the door bell just rang! It's another UPS delivery! When I'm not busy giving Elise her meds, feeding and/or  cuddling Elise, loving up on Elise's big brother Ethan or cleaning up and changing either of them, I am on the internet searching for and purchasing general baby essentials, and most importantly, Elise's medicine and/or vitamins and specialized formula at the best prices I can find...which is almost always MUCH less than I find in the retail stores. And it's not like I really have time to visit the retail stores anyway, so online shopping is my friend.

Today's deliveries so far include a case of formula, two bottles of Elise's multivitamin, and two bottles of Vitamin D drops. I ordered a case of 6 cans Pregestimil formula on E-bay from a vendor in Puerto Rico. Even with the cost of shipping, it comes out to a $10 savings PER CAN, for a total savings of $60!  The two bottles of AquADEKS multivitamin were purchased from Amazon for exactly $12 less per bottle than in the pharmacy. The two bottles of Vitamin D supplement drops are purchased from the company's website at a huge savings. The pharmacy was charging me $150 per bottle, and that just wasn't going to work.

Just yesterday the UPS man was here delivering a supply of Elise's IV medication, Meropenem, as well as a case of diapers for Elise and a case of much larger diapers for Elise's big brother, Ethan.  Considering the frequency of UPS deliveries, you would think our dog, Biggie, would save his breath....but no....every single time the doorbell rings, Biggie reacts like our house is under attack. The good news is we have a good "guard dog." The bad news is we often have babies suddenly woken from naps, which is never good.

Elise is doing quite well today. She has been tolerating her full feeds, which is about 3 oz per feeding, every 3-4 hours.  She is happy, cooing, and actually trying her best to roll over today!  Ethan, Elise's big brother, is trying his best to walk right now, which is equally as exciting!!

Thank you all for reading....and thank you all for the prayers and support.



  1. Erin, I am so impressed w/ your blog. Your mom said you designed it. Great job!! Our dog, Sophie, goes crazy w/ the UPS man too!! Actually if she hears anything, she starts barking. When Claire was little, I use to tape a note on the doorbell. It worked for me, and they just left the packages by the door. I am so happy the babies are doing well.
