Wednesday, July 16, 2014

She brought home the GOLD!

We all know that Elise is a CHAMP and is already gold….but this past week, she participated in the DONATE LIFE Transplant Games of America 2014, held right here in Houston, TX for the first time in 32 years.  And I am proud to say that Elise truly did bring home the GOLD medal on the final day of the event….we dedicate her games to her donor angel, Julia Hillary Wardwell and her family.  Our experience this past week was amazing….we have created memories that we will treasure forever.  Let me tell you about it. 

Friday, July 11 was registration activities and the Welcome Reception held at Hilton Americas, an AAA 4-Diamond hotel conveniently located in the heart of downtown Houston and connected to the GRB Convention Center.  I spent a good portion of the day volunteering in the TEAM TEXAS room before picking up Ethan and Elise and then retrieving my parents from the airport in the afternoon.  We then went on to the Hilton, picked up our credentials and registration packets, and thoroughly enjoyed the Welcome Reception that evening.  As I looked around at the hundreds of transplant recipients, donors, donor families, and supporters, I began to realize the enormity and significance of this event. 

Saturday, July 12 was a very full but exciting day.  We started out at 8:00 am at Allen Parkway for the 5 Walk & Run, which Elise and I completed together. Honestly, the heat was brutal, but rather than focusing on the temperature, I enjoyed the time with Elise and found each step in the stifling heat to be very symbolic of the transplant journey we have been walking since her diagnosis. Rather than miserable, it was empowering. Just as I can walk/run a 5K in the Summer heat with Elise in tow, I most certainly can and will support Elise, hold her up, and march through any medical obstacle we face.  We crossed the finish line together, and I thought to myself, "We got this!"  

At 11:00 am, we met the Wardwells--Elise's "donor family"-- at Guadalajara Hacienda Mexican restaurant for lunch before the Donor/ Recipient bowling event, in which Elise participated with her donor's daughter, Ava, from 12 pm-3 pm. The bowling event was held at Lucky Strike bowling alley downtown, and it was such a special experience for us….a great day….and a real celebration of life in every way. Elise & Ava (and Ethan too….shhhhh) bowled together and had a blast! Who cares about points…..I never even noticed the score board, and the teams we ware bowling against left long before we did. There were no actual strikes on the lanes, but what struck me most was that it felt like such a "family" event. We are family with the Wardwells.  Their daughter….sister……mother…..lives on in Elise.  Elise embraces them as if she has known them her whole life, and I'm not sure that I can describe in words how that makes me feel….so suffice it say that my heart is full.  We are blessed to have Julia's family as part of our own….to know them and love them. 

At 5:00 pm on Saturday, we met with TEAM TEXAS for official team photos. Our team filled the room. Elise refused to sit for the photos without me, so I popped into the pics with her! Immediately following team pictures, we boarded the shuttles which transported us to the Opening Ceremonies, which began at 7:30 pm. It was an incredible experience to escort Elise on to the field with Team Texas.  One day, she will be able to walk on her own-- and I will enjoy watching her  in all her glory from the stands--but for now, we're a joint act. 

On Sunday, July 13, Elise had no scheduled sporting events, but we did attend the TGA Family BBQ at Bayou Music Center…. a live music venue located in downtown Houston which has hosted big names like Cold Play (incidentally, one of Julia's favorite groups,) John Legend, Norah Jones, and Nickleback since 1997.  The food was great….the country music was great…and the dancing was GREAT!  Elise danced her heart out with her Paw, and I actually captured it on video! 

On Monday, July 14, Elise and I had the honor of pinning a pinning a quilt square in honor of Julia onto the TGA 2014 Quilt during the Quilt Pinning Ceremony. I said a few words about Julia and the impact that her decision to DONATE LIFE has made on Elise and on our family. There were many donor families there who pinned squares also, and to hear them speak…to hear their stories….was something I will never forget. I thought about all the transplant recipients there at the games…..all of those we met…..our friends…..and how can you help but think that for every recipient, there is an organ donor…..someone who gave the gift of life…..all true heroes.  The TGA 2014 Quilt will now be sewn together and completed, and it will travel around the country for years to come.  Next stop….Cleveland, Ohio 2016.

Tuesday, July 15.  Elise's big day…..her main event…the Cornhole (ages 5 & under division.) We had breakfast at the Hilton and then arrived for official practice in the convention center at 9:00 am.  Elise had several great practice rounds….probably too many….because when the actual competition began at 10:00 am, she initially froze….she refused to pick up a bean bag….she sat on the floor and wouldn't budge.  My heart started to sink, as we all know that 2 year olds can be very head-strong.  I knew good and well that if Elise decided she wasn't going to do it……she wasn't going to do it.  Finally, by God's grace, after watching 2 or 3 other kids take their turns, she stood up and gave it her all.  She thew one bean bag after another for four rounds….her total points was 22, and she was named the high point scorer!  At 11:30 am, she was presented with the GOLD medal for Cornhole in her age bracket. I suppose you could say she was overwhelmed with emotion, because when the medal was placed around her neck and she heard the applause as she was put on the top of the podium, she screamed. It's a little funny to me now as I think back on it and look at the pictures…. LOL.  She eventually calmed down, and she was thrilled to have her medal. I had been talking up "the medal" that she could get for the past 6 months.  She was only able to participate in this one event, and by God, she took home the GOLD!!  We are so proud.  We are truly blessed.  I know that this gold medal will mean so much more to Elise in years to come, but right now….in this moment….it absolutely means the wold  to me. Since Day 1, it has been my mission to ensure that Elise lives as normal a life as possible and that Biliary Atresia and transplant does not hold her back. This gold medal proves that nothing is impossible for her, and it shows me that I am doing my job. She is a fighter…a champion….and she can do whatever it is that she wants to do. I know that great things await her. 

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