Saturday, June 30, 2012

Fever, Fever, Go Away!

Elise is currently well into day #2 of a persistent fever.  She suddenly spiked the fever around 10 am yesterday. I picked her up from daycare and brought her to the doctor yesterday afternoon. Her pediatrician ruled out ear infection first, and then she ordered some blood work. Elise's white blood cell count was a little elevated at 14,000 (normal range is 6,000-10,000.)  To me, an elevated white blood cell count is a sign of infection somewhere in her body, and my first thought--and major fear-- is Cholangitis, an infection of the liver. Historically, her doctors have always admitted her to the hospital for fever because it is so critical that they protect her liver and treat for Cholagnitis once other sources of infection are ruled out.   
This time, however, her pediatrician spoke with a doctor on the liver/ transplant team at Texas Children's Hospital and decided to just treat the fever with Tylenol and Ibuprofen "and see what happens." I think the main rationale for taking a more liberal approach this time is that, as Dr. Pocsik put it, "She is the healthiest looking sick baby I have ever seen." I'm obviously praying that this fever disappears, but that hasn't really happened yet. The fever breaks every time I give her medicine, but then it returns after about 6-8 hours. 
So, anyway, we'll continue to watch her over this weekend. I'll be bringing her back to the doctor if she's still battling fever on Monday.  At that point, if she still has fever, I'm almost positive that I will have to bring her to Texas Children's for further testing.  
Well many thanks to all of our wonderful family, friends, and those we don't even really know who are praying for our little Elise and sending positive thoughts our way.  The support means so much to us!! :-)

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