Yikes....again, I apologize for allowing so much time to pass without an update. If it's any comfort, no news is good news!! Tomorrow will mark 3 weeks that Elise has her happy new liver!! And a happy liver means a happy momma and happy new life for our family!!
Seriously, Elise's response to her life-saving liver transplant has been amazing! She recovered from surgery and was discharged home 9 days following the operation. She is currently on 6 different meds and takes 14 doses of meds every day, but it doesn't spoil her mood. She is smiling from the time she wakes up to the time she swallows her 9 pm dose of Prograf and goes to bed. She is eating, gaining weight, and preparing to transition from her specialized prescription formula to regular milk....REGULAR MILK....that may seem insignificant, but trust me, it's HUGE!
Since her discharge from the hospital, Elise has of course been monitored very closely by the liver/transplant team at Texas Children's. She has been having blood work done approx 3 times/week, and she has had two full liver clinic visits. Her primary hepatologist Dr. Fishman, the liver center director Dr. Shepherd, and her surgeon Dr. Goss all agree that the outcome Elise is experiencing is the best anyone could have hoped for. There have been no surgical complications, and her labs are continuing to improve with every draw. For anyone interested in the details of her labs, here are her current numbers: AST 64, ALT 78, GGT 73, Albumin 4.2, direct Bili 0.0, INR 1.1, platelets 270, HGB 10.0. Last week, we were even told that Elise will likely be a good candidate to participate in an ongoing research study where she could possibly be weaned off of the anti-rejection medications. It will be a couple of years before that is an option, however.
During times of high anxiety, I know I may have moaned and groaned...I may have complained and challenged ideas and decisions related to her treatment. I don't regret any question I have ever asked or any complaint I have ever made. I did what any other "momma bear" would do in my position. And make no mistake.... the "fight or flight" response will turn even the most shy and passive of mommies into a "momma bear." What I want everyone to know, though, is that Elise's treatment at Texas Children's Hospital has been superb. The attending physicians gave us a definitive diagnosis, developed a treatment plan, and have executed that treatment plan without fail. Indeed, their decisions and "moves" have been carefully orchestrated every step of the way. As a result, Elise received a successful liver transplant and has a new and wonderful prognosis; Elise can now live a long and happy life.
Although Elise has received her "gift of life" and has a new and healthy liver, we know the fight is not over; rather, we have won the first battle and entered into another one: "the other side," as it is referred to in "Liverland." Elise will now always be a transplant patient. She will always be at risk of rejection, and the anti-rejection meds place her at heightened risk of other problems such as hypertension, diabetes, and cancer. According to Elise's doctors though, these potential complications can and will be effectively treated and resolved if they should ever become a problem for us. And I am 100% confident that this is true; her doctors have always been correct in such statements. What peace I feel in having full faith in God and in Elise's treatment team.
Thank you to every single one of you who have prayed for Elise and sent positive thoughts and well wishes! The support means so very much to us. GO TEAM ELISE!!